Join us to hear from a former Chief Economist of the FCC, Leading Telecommunications Academics and Telecommunication Consultants about the following:
On February 26, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued new regulations designed to provide (in the words of Chairman Wheeler) “the strongest open internet protections ever.” These protections were upheld by the United States Court of Appeals on June 14, 2016. This presentation provides an economic commentary about recent developments and how major players are likely to adapt to the new rules. Topics include:
- Description of key provisions of the FCC’s order and the Court’s decision upholding the order
- Discussion of recent developments in broadband competition
- Evaluation of the difference the new rules will make (relative to what they replaced)
- Identification of what to expect from businesses and regulators in the new environment
Join Dr. Timothy J. Tardiff, Principal at Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Inc. (AACG), Professor Timothy J. Brennan, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, and Professor Victor Glass, Director, Rutgers University Center for Research in Regulated Industries, as they discuss the implications of the FCC’s Open Internet Order.
About the Presenters:
Dr. Timothy J. Tardiff has over 30 years of research and consulting experience on issues of competition and regulation in telecommunications and other industries subject to varying degrees of economic regulation. Prior to joining AACG, Dr. Tardiff held positions at NERA Economic Consulting, Charles River Associates, and the University of California, Davis. He earned a Ph.D. in Social Science from The University of California, Irvine.
Dr. Tim Brennan is a professor of public policy at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County and a senior fellow at Resources for the Future. He served as chief economist at the FCC in 2014, and prior to that held positions with the Canadian Competition Bureau, the FTC, the Council of Economic Advisers, George Washington University, and the Antitrust Division. He has over 100 articles and book chapters addressing issues in antitrust, regulation, energy policy, and communications. His Ph.D. in economics and M.A. in mathematics are from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr. Victor Glass is a Professor in Rutgers Business School and Director of its Center for Research in Regulated Industries. His research interests emphasize forecasting and regulatory economics. Prior to joining Rutgers, Dr. Glass was Director of Demand Forecasting and Rate Development at the National Exchange Carrier Association. He has a Ph.D. in Economics and an M.B.A from Columbia University.