Advanced Analytical Consulting Group presents the following complimentary webinar which will discuss statistical sampling in False Claims Act (FCA) litigation over alleged healthcare fraud. The presentation focuses on what litigators need to know and discusses key concepts in a non-technical manner.
This course is equally applicable to Medicare audits and self-disclosure of overpayments.
Topics include:
- Key concepts: point estimate, bias, margin of error, confidence level, confidence interval
- Steps involved in sampling and extrapolation
- Determinants of minimum sample size
- Potential pitfalls and limitations
- Common misconceptions
About the Presenter:
Dr. Daniel S. Levy, National Managing Director of Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, assists attorneys with statistical and analytical aspects of healthcare litigation, including False Claims Act (FCA) cases. Prior to joining Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), he was the Global Leader of Economic and Statistical Consulting for Deloitte Forensic and Dispute Services and Arthur Andersen’s Business Consulting. He has testified for, and provided evidence and research for the Department of Labor, corporate defendants, various state and federal courts and commissions and insurance commissions.
Contact our Experts
Daniel S. Levy, PhD
National Managing Director
617 901 6344
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