Join us to hear more about empirical evidence of the effect of no-poaching agreements on laborers and employers, as well as the principal economic arguments for, and against, no-poaching agreements. This session delves into the main economic features of a “Quick Look” analysis, which are driven by the economic fields of Industrial Organization and Labor Economics. This session also covers recent academic research cited in the media. The session will provide an overview of the extensive literature about no-poaching agreements by labor economists. The webinar focuses on some methods that have recently been used to detect the effect of no-poaching agreements on laborers that may be central to an antitrust Rule of Reason analysis. The session covers both labor economic arguments and empirical industrial organization/antitrust aspects of no-poaching agreements.
Topics include:
- Economic arguments for, and against, no-poaching agreements from economic literature
- Typical evidence of monopsony power that are indistinguishable from evidence of training investment
- Types of economic efficiencies
- Empirical research about no-poaching agreements
- Review of recent literature cited in the national press
- Economic analysis of recent economic research cited in the national press
About the Presenters:
Dr. Daniel S. Levy, National Managing Director, assists attorneys with economic, statistical and computing analyses. He has studied labor, employment and antitrust issues. In separate matters, Dr. Levy has served as an expert witness for the Department of Labor and the Department of Justice. In various areas of litigation, he has served as an expert witness for plaintiffs and defendants, including private companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service and various regulatory commissions and has presented his research to the FBI, US Postal Service, and New York State Attorney General’s Office.
Prior to founding Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Dr. Levy was the National Managing Principal of Economic and Statistical Consulting for Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP. He also served as the Global Director of Economic Consulting for Arthur Andersen’s Value Solutions practice. He has also held research and consulting positions at Charles River Associates, The RAND Corporation, Needham, Harper Worldwide Advertising, SPSS Inc. and The University of Chicago Computation Center. Dr. Levy received a Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Chicago.
Dr. Timothy Tardiff, Principal, assists attorneys and their clients with economic and statistical issues, with an emphasis on competition and antitrust issues. He has served as a consulting and expert witness in labor and competition matters in the United States and international jurisdictions, including for major telecommunications companies and regulatory authorities. Dr. Tardiff has frequently published articles in economics, antitrust, and telecommunications literature.
Prior to joining Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Dr. Tardiff held research and consulting positions at Huron Consulting Group, NERA Economic Consulting, and Charles River Associates. Prior to his consulting career, Dr. Tardiff was on the faculty of the University of California, Davis. He received a Ph.D. in Social Science from the University of California, Irvine and a B.S. in Mathematics, with honors, from the California Institute of Technology.