Empirical Evidence on Justification for Net Neutrality

Chairman Wheeler cites lack of suppliers of high speed Internet as a reason for Net Neutrality ruling. AACG Economist, Dr. Timothy Tardiff, provides evidence about how quickly new suppliers have entered the market to supply increasingly higher speed internet service.  Dr. Tardiff’s article titled “Net Neutrality: Economic Evaluation of Market Developments” has been published in the Journal of Competition […]

AACG Telecom Expert Publishes in Journal of Regulatory Economics on the Impact of Pricing by Using Differing Methods

Dr. Timothy Tardiff’s paper, “Prices Based on Current Cost or Historical Cost: How Different Are They?,” was published in the Journal of Regulatory Economics (Volume 47, Issue 2, April 2015, pp. 201-217).  This paper focuses on pricing based on current costs versus pricing based on historical costs and the impact of the differing methods in […]

AACG Telecom Expert Presents Paper at AEA

AACG Telecom Expert, Dr. Timothy Tardiff, discussed the paper “Collaborate or Consolidate: Assessing the Competitive Effects of Production Joint Ventures,” by Nicolas Aguelakakis of Washington University and Federal Communications Commission economist Aleksandr Yankelevich at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association at a session entitled “Pricing and Resource Allocation in Telecommunications”. Dr. Tardiff’s discussion […]

AACG Principal Dr. Timothy Tardiff’s Article Published

AACG Principal Dr. Timothy Tardiff’s article titled ‘REREGULATION OR BETTER DEREGULATION?: ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF RECENT FCC COMPETITION ACTIONS’ has been published in the Journal of Competition Law and Economics. This article presents a framework for evaluating telecommunications competition policies and applies that framework to the FCC’s recent decisions. Read More:  Complete Article

AACG Telecom Expert, Dr. Timothy Tardiff, Presented at the New England Chapter of FCBA

AACG Telecom Expert, Dr. Timothy Tardiff, presented at the New England Chapter of the Federal Communications Bar Association (FCBA) at a program entitled “Deregulation – How’s It Going?”. Dr. Tardiff’s presentation discussed the evolving telecommunications landscape. He highlighted various data points showing strong trends at both state and federal levels favoring movement away from regulated […]

AACG Telecom Expert Presents at CRRI Regulatory Conference

Professor Lester Taylor Publishes a New Book Titled The Internal Structure of U.S. Consumer Expenditures

Professor Lester Taylor, an AACG affiliate, has published a new book that investigates the trade-offs that consumers make between 14 broad categories of consumption, such as housing, food, transportation, entertainment and education, among others. This research uses more than a decade of income and expenditure data collected in consumer expenditure surveys (conducted quarterly by the […]

AACG Expert Quoted by The Washington Post about Bid Rigging

In the District, six firms took turns winning tax liens on properties worth $540 million. The odds that their irregular bidding pattern was a coincidence? An AACG team of economists led by Dr. Daniel Levy performed analyses to determine how often bidders deviated from their expected bidding.  They found that six tax lien companies stood […]

AACG Principal Economist Dr. Timothy J. Tardiff Publishes Economic Analysis of Protected Profits Benchmark in the Antitrust Law Journal

Read more: The Protected Profits Benchmark: Input Price, Retail Price, or Both?

AACG Published Research about New OFCCP Compensation Guidelines

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group’s (“AACG”) Senior Economist Audrius Girnius’ article has been published in Employment Law 360. The lack of specificity in the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs’ new compensation guidelines may be frustrating to federal contractors, but the upside may be that the OFCCP will now try to accurately model the contractor’s compensation […]