AACG’s Latest Analysis Shows Continued Growth in Broadband Competition

Strength of broadband competition, a key factor in FCC decisions to impose regulatory restrictions in the net neutrality debate, continues to grow according to a new report by Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG). The latest broadband performance results produced by AACG show that competition continued to increase through 2016. The results are based on the most recent data from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released in November 2017 for service through December 2016. This is the third in a series of reports by AACG, providing a consistent set of measures of broadband service over time. AACG’s previous reports showed that the FCC’s analyses in support of the 2015 Open Internet Order relied on measures developed within that proceeding that were inconsistent with the FCC’s previous biannual measures of broadband availability. Similarly, the FCC’s Internet Order that was released in January 2018 presented “one-off” measures similar to the measures in the 2015 Order. As a result, measures presented in support of the FCC’s 2015 and 2018 Internet Orders are incapable of tracking the extent of growth in internet provider availability on a timely basis. AACG’s new report titled “Consistent Measurement of Broadband Availability: FCC Data through December 2016,” can be found at aacg.com/net-neutrality/.

Read More:  Consistent Measurement of Broadband Availability: FCC Data through December 2016

Read More:  Press Release