AACG Telecom Expert Provides Comments in the FCC’s Net Neutrality Proceeding

Dr. Timothy Tardiff provides comment on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding. Dr. Tardiff refers to two of his recently published articles that analyzed trends in the availability of competitive broadband alternatives. Dr. Tardiff updated the analysis in the published articles to include the FCC’s most recent (June 2016) fixed broadband deployment. The updated analysis corroborates his conclusion in these previous articles that the apparent insufficiencies in competitive alternatives the FCC had used to justify increased regulation have been ameliorated in fairly short order by new offerings by multiple Internet service providers, thus rendering ex ante rules based on common carrier regulation superfluous, at best, and counterproductive to competition and innovation, at worst.

Read More: Dr. Tardiff’s Comments in the FCC’s Net Neutrality Proceeding